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Select a single or grouped options



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Class props

'Classes applied to the element'

Checkbox component

Select a single or grouped options



Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
autocompleteSame as native autocomplete options to use in HTML5 validationstring-
From config:
checkbox: {
  autocomplete: "off"
disabledSame as native disabledboolean-false
falseValueOverrides the returned value when it's not checkedstring|number|boolean|object-false
indeterminateSame as native indeterminateboolean-false
labelInput label, unnecessary when default slot is usedstring-
v-modelThe input value statestring|number|boolean|object|array-
nameSame as native namestring-
nativeValueSame as native valuestring|number|boolean|object-
overrideOverride existing theme classes completelyboolean-
requiredSame as native requiredboolean-false
sizeSize of the controlstringsmall, medium, large
From config:
checkbox: {
  size: undefined
trueValueOverrides the returned value when it's checkedstring|number|boolean|object-true
useHtml5ValidationEnable html 5 native validationboolean-
From config:
  useHtml5Validation: true
variantColor of the controlstringprimary, info, success, warning, danger, and any other custom color
From config:
checkbox: {
  variant: undefined


Event namePropertiesDescription
update:modelValuevalue string | number | boolean | object | array - updated modelValue propmodelValue prop two-way binding
inputvalue string | number | boolean | object | array - input value
event Event - native event
on input change event
update:indeterminatevalue boolean - updated indeterminate propindeterminate prop two-way binding
focusevent Event - native eventon input focus event
blurevent Event - native eventon input blur event
invalidevent Event - native eventon input invalid event


defaultContent slot, default is label prop

Sass variables

Current theme ➜ Oruga

SASS VariableDefault
$checkbox-checked-box-shadow-length0 0 0.5em
$checkbox-label-padding0 0 0 0.5em

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Current theme ➜ Bulma

The theme does not have any custom variables for this component.

Current theme ➜ Bootstrap

The theme does not have any custom variables for this component.

Released under the MIT License.